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    Shade 3D Basic基本(英文版)下載授權版

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    Shade 3D Basic基本(英文版)下載授權版

    Shade 3D Basic基本(英文版)下載授權版

    Shade 3D Basic基本(英文版)下載授權版



    "Shade3D 列印精靈",擁有錯誤檢查/自動糾錯功能,讓您免除這方面的困擾。現在3D列印的需求已經越來越頻繁,Shade3D在列印的支援這方面,有著優異的成效。要不馬上來試試看?

    Shade 3D Basic基本(英文版)下載授權版


    Windows 32/64 bit
    - Windows 7, 8, 8.1 (64-bit OS required for 64-bit installation)
    - Windows 32 Bit:Intel® Core™ 2 Duo, AMD Athlon II or newer (CPU with SSE2 support required)
    - Windows 64 Bit:Intel® Core™ 2 Duo, AMD Athlon 64 X2 or newer (CPU with SSE3 support required)
    - 32 Bit:2 GB (4 GB recommended)
    - 64 Bit:4 GB (8 GB recommended)
    - 5 GB free hard drive space
    - DVD-ROM drive (if installing from DVD), Internet connection environment
    - 1,024 x 768 resolution monitor with 24-bit color (1280 x 1024 or higher recommended)
    - NVIDIA® GeForce® 400 series or higher, NVIDIA® Quadro® FX or higher is recommended, AMD Radeon™ HD 5000 or higher, Intel HD Graphics 2nd Generation or higher, Intel HD Graphics 3rd Generation or higher is recommended
    - 3D Stereo Display:NVIDIA® 3D Vision™, Polarized 3D monitor
    - OpenGL 3.2 or higher is recommended

    * Shade 3D ver.15 is not officially support on XP and Vista platform
    * NVIDIA® 3D Vision™ or NVIDIA® 3D Vision Pro™ requires OpenGL 3.2 compatible Quadro graphics card

    Mac OS X Intel 64-bit
    - Mac OS X 10.8/10.9/10.10 (Intel only)
    - 64 Bit:Intel® Core™ 2 Duo or newer
    - 64 Bit:2 GB (4 GB recommended)
    - 5 GB free hard drive space
    - DVD-ROM drive (if installing from DVD), Internet connection environment
    - 1,024 x 768 resolution monitor with 24-bit color (1280 x 1024 or higher recommended)
    - Mac mini Early 2009 or newer, iMac Mid 2007 or newer, MacBook Air Late 2010 or newer, MacBook AluminumMacBook Pro Late 2008 or newer, Mac Pro Early 2008 or newer
    - NVIDIA® GeForce® series or higher is recommended, AMD RADEON™ HD series or later, Intel HD 3000 or higher
    - 3D Stereo Display: Polarized 3D monitor
    - OpenGL 3.2 or higher is recommended

    * Shade 3D ver.15 is not available on Mac OS X 10.7 platform
    * Shade 3D ver.15 is available on 64-bit only

    * Polarized 3D monitor requires OpenGL 3.2 or higher graphics card
    * PoserFusion supports Poser 6/7/8/9/10, Poser Pro 2010/2012/2014 (WindowsMac OS X)



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